Monday, March 16, 2009

Canadian net neutrality is also a sports issue

The issue of Net Neutrality isn't exactly one that most, if any, sports fan really concerns themselves with — if indeed they've even heard of it at all.

But it's one they should be worried about, because it's directly effecting the way sports broadcasting will head. And they should be warned — it's a two pronged, complex issue.

The big part of this issue is that the bulk of the internet is controlled by the few, that a few internet providers can distribute bandwidth as they see fit: for a fictional example, an ISP (let's say Comcast) can allot more bandwidth and show higher quality video for their services then that of their competitors (let's say Hulu). Therefore, there is more incentive for their users to watch their videos then any others.

This isn't illegal, but it's not fair either.

In the sports world, we already see this to an extent: ESPN's online video wing is ESPN360, where they show original programming, live streams of ESPN networks and out of market games. And they only let certain ISPs (who themselves have to pay for this service) allow users to see ESPN360. And ESPN can block a competitor from seeing these. For example, Comcast, who have their own competing sports network, aren't on the list of participating providers.

Again, this isn't illegal, but for sports fans it's grossly unfair, like how Rogers Cable subscribers are being punished by CTV/Globemedia and not able to see TSN2.

In Canada, the CRTC is holding meetings about Candian Content in New Media and on Monday both Score Media and a representative of the NHL spoke at it. Both spoke of their rights as content providers on the internet, but it was Score Media who made the most compelling case.

They're the little brother in the world of Canadian sports broadcasting. They don't own the rights to anything major: they don't show baseball, don't show the NHL or curling. Their forte, for a long time, has been Canadian college sports (the CIS in particular), basketball and horse racing. And one of their main competitors, Rogers, is one of the biggest internet providers in Canada.

They would want protection from any kind of digital limitations that Rogers could, in theory, put on them - such a limit in bandwidth, for example. And they want protection against US media infringement into Canada - like from ESPN360.

It's the same problem that radio and television have faced in the past. Because Canada is a nation that looks to the US for so much of our entertainment, it would all too easy to be swallowed up by US media. Thusly, there are minimum amounts of Canadian content that all radio and TV stations have to reach. It's a tad socialist, yes, but it's there to protect the "Canadian Identity".

In the world of sports, this would translate to why we have TSN, which shows Canadian-based sports and programming, then just a feed of ESPN (or even ESPN Canada).

And the argument is that this should also extend online as well.

So online, the CTRC is looking into placing similar restrictions - that can't just show the exact things that ESPN360 does, but that they should reflect Canadian broadcasting standards.

As they should. Canadian sports would all to easily be swallowed up by ESPN, who thanks to a major stake in TSN, would be able to have a virtual monopoly in online video. It would be all too easy for TSN shut out their rivals by exclusively showing marquee programming.

And there's even the worst-case scenario, where Rogers could limit access to the site on their ISPs.

All Canadian sports fans are already being subjected to this squabbling nonsense with TSN2. The CRTC should step in now and set regulations for Canadian content and net neutrality before this issue comes to a head.

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